Sven Thoennissen
Mobile App Developer

MIDI Sniffer


MIDI Sniffer allows you to capture incoming MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) messages, for example from external instruments. It is also possible to share the entire log, for example with app developers asking for a MIDI dump.

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No personal information is collected by this app or by the developer. It is impossible to identify a person by recorded MIDI protocol data.

The app allows to record audio sample data which is only stored locally on the device. It can be exported to other file providers, such as Apple iCloud or third-party providers. This is completely up to the user.

The app allows users to share various data, such as sessions or audio samples, with other users. The app is not accessing receivers of shared data in any way. The app also allows users to send an email to Turbosounds support. This email is handled by the default email application on the device so the app has no access to details of it.